Hello everyone, I’m Wendy. For years, I struggled with problems in my neck. I tried all sorts of treatments, from Western medicine to Chinese therapies like massages and acupuncture. But nothing seemed to work for long. Sometimes, the pain got so bad that I felt dizzy, nauseous, and even had trouble getting out of bed. I spent a lot of time and money on specialists, chiropractors, and physical therapy, but nothing gave me lasting relief. X-rays showed that my neck was out of place, and I had worn-out cartilage and bone spurs pressing on nerves. Surgery was the fastest option, but it scared me. Then, I remembered “Negative Ion Therapy” and heard about Nefful from a former colleague, EeWen. She sent me a neck guard, and wearing it every day brought me incredible comfort. So, I decided to try Nefful’s products, made of special fabrics that release negative ions. It’s been almost a year, and I haven’t needed to see a doctor since. Even better, I haven’t spent any of my company’s medical allowance since August 2021. I’m convinced that negative ion therapy works. Nefful’s products are safe to wear and don’t have any side effects. They help our bodies heal naturally. I wear them every day and enjoy a healthier, happier life. I feel lucky and grateful. I highly recommend giving them a try. It’s been a game-changer for me! AfterBefore 享受着负离子的呵护 大家好!我是Wendy,在使用妮芙露产品之前,颈椎问题困扰了我好多好多年。我时不时就光顾西医药房拿些松筋止痛药;也常常报到中医诊所做一系列的按摩,推拿,艾灸,针灸,拔罐,刮痧,照灯,吃中药,完成全套疗程以舒缓我的颈椎疼痛和僵硬所带来的不适。严重的时候甚至会头晕,呕吐,没有食欲,就连起床都是问题。 那么多年的治疗调理还是反反复复的,反而需要越去越频密?!后来我又去尝试看专科检查身体,还做了脊椎矫正和物理治疗等等。这些费用都很高,治疗时间也很长却又不包好。安排照了X光后发现颈椎不只移位,软骨磨损还长了骨刺压迫神经。治疗师和医生都说最快也是最坏的打算就是动手术。不过我和医生选择先让我吃药观察,可是药物的副作用反而让我感觉更不舒服,尤其是药物导致的精神不振。 就在自己已经不知所措又求医无门的时候,我突然想起了《负离子疗法》,刚好机缘巧合下得知我的前同事~依雯区总正在经营妮芙露事业。她在了解了我的情况后送来护颈,我很配合的天天戴着戴着竟真的不知不觉戴出了前所未有的轻松感。所以我便下定决心把大全套带回家. 直到今天已经穿戴了近1年左右我奇迹般的没再见过医生和医师,我自己也很惊喜!连我的经理都好奇的问总是年年都把公司的医药津贴用尽的我, 今年2021已经是8月份了我竟然1毛钱都还没用到。因为自己的亲身体验,所以我深信负离子疗法。重点是《妮芙露》负离子产品不用吃不用喝不用涂;纯粹是一种天然物质的高科技负离子纤维衣物穿戴产品;属于自然疗法能给予修护与自愈能力,而且其负离子物质还是永久性有效存在。现在我仍坚持每天把负离子穿戴在身上,持续天天享受着感受负离子带给我的健康呵护与正常美好的生活!由此我觉得我很幸运。真心的感恩!真诚的推介!真的太棒了!