After a rain, I know the importance of an umbrella;After a sickness, I learn the importance of health.It’s not easy to borrow an umbrella when it rains;It’s not easy to borrow money when one falls sick.If it’s raining too heavily, it’s useless to have an umbrella;If one’s too sick, it’s useless to have money.Preferably,when the rain is small, find a safe place to shelter from the rain; when we are still healthy, find a safe way to maintain good health and diseaseprevention.   预防胜于治疗 一场雨,知道了雨伞的重要一场病,知道了健康的重要下雨 – 伞不好借生病 – 钱不好借雨太大 – 有伞也没用病太重 – 有钱也没用 最好是趁雨小的时候找到安全的地方避雨趁没病的时候用合适的方法养生防病