April Shao’s struggle with skin issues and physical discomfort since a young age led her on a journey to find solutions that truly worked. After trying various remedies with little success, she discovered Nefful Neoron Fibre Clothing and Bedding, which ultimately transformed her life. April’s Battle with Skin IssuesSince her teenage years, April had been plagued by persistent acne, frequent breakouts, stubborn warts, and chronic skin inflammation. These issues not only affected her physical appearance but also took a toll on her self-confidence and mental well-being. Despite countless dermatologist visits and skincare regimens, nothing seemed to provide lasting relief. Discovering Nefful Neoron FibreFeeling hopeless and desperate for relief, April stumbled upon Nefful Neoron Fibre Clothing and Bedding through a friend’s recommendation. Intrigued by the promise of natural healing and rejuvenation, she decided to give it a try, hoping for a breakthrough in her long-standing battle with skin issues and discomfort. The Transformation BeginsTo April’s amazement, within weeks of incorporating Nefful Neoron Fibre into her daily routine, she began to notice significant improvements in her skin health and overall well-being. The gentle yet powerful properties of the fabric with anions provided unparalleled comfort and support, alleviating her skin issues and easing her physical discomfort. April’s Remarkable RecoveryWith continued use of Nefful Neoron Fibre Clothing and Bedding, April experienced a complete transformation. Her acne cleared up, breakouts became a thing of the past, warts disappeared, and her skin inflammation subsided. Not only that, but her backaches and headaches also diminished, allowing her to live a fuller, more vibrant life. ConclusionApril’s journey from struggling with chronic skin issues and physical discomfort to finding relief and rejuvenation with Nefful Neoron Fibre Clothing and Bedding serves as a testament to the power of natural healing and the importance of finding solutions that work holistically with the body. Her story inspires hope for others facing similar challenges, offering a beacon of light on their path to recovery and wellness. 穿着妮芙芙霓虹纤维衣服和床单毛毯用品的康复之旅 April Shao 从小就与皮肤问题和身体不适作斗争,这促使她踏上了寻找真正有效的解决方案的旅程。在尝试了各种补救措施但收效甚微后,她发现了妮芙露霓虹纤维服装和床单毛毯用品,这最终改变了她的生活。 April Shao 与皮肤问题的斗争 从十几岁起,April就一直受到持续痤疮、频繁长痘、顽固疣和慢性皮肤炎症的困扰。这些问题不仅影响了她的外表,还损害了她的自信心和心理健康。尽管无数次的皮肤科医生就诊和皮肤护理方案,似乎没有什么能提供持久的缓解。 探索妮芙芙 Neoron 纤维 由于感到绝望和迫切需要缓解,April 在朋友的推荐下偶然发现了 Nefful Neoron 纤维服装和床单毛毯用品。她对自然治愈和恢复活力的承诺很感兴趣,决定尝试一下,希望能在与皮肤问题和不适的长期斗争中取得突破。 转型开始 令 April 惊讶的是,在将 Nefful Neoron 纤维纳入日常生活的几周内,她开始注意到自己的皮肤健康和整体健康状况显着改善。带有负离子的织物具有温和而强大的特性,提供了无与伦比的舒适度和支撑力,缓解了她的皮肤问题并缓解了她的身体不适。 April 显着复苏 随着妮芙芙 Neoron 纤维服装和床单毛毯用品的持续使用,April 经历了彻底的转变。她的痤疮消失了,痘痘成为过去,疣消失了,皮肤炎症也消退了。不仅如此,她的背痛和头痛也减轻了,让她的生活更加充实、更有活力。 结论 April 从与慢性皮肤问题和身体不适作斗争,到通过 Nefful Neoron 纤维服装和床单毛毯用品寻求缓解和恢复活力,这证明了自然治愈的力量以及寻找与身体整体配合的解决方案的重要性。她的故事为面临类似挑战的其他人带来了希望,为他们的康复和健康之路提供了一盏灯塔。
Improved Conditions
My name is Lim Lay Guat and I am from Kedah. I am a housewife, and helping my husband do some small retail businesses at home during the day. Because of my busy lifestyle, taking care of my family and doing business, my health condition began to surface. I easily got tired,coupled with the problem of tinnitus for many years. Although I had a habit of taking supplements which I thought could bring me some improvement, I still felt the tiredness. Whenever my tinnitus came uncontrollably, it made my heart very upset and irritable. After my sister-in-law’s recommendation of the benefits of negative ions, I learned about Nefful anion products. Simply by wearing or using these anion products and having no side effect, I felt very safe. I gave it a try. At the beginning, I bought a bed sheet, and with an anion fiber made hood. I covered myself in the bed sheet and wearing the anion hood daily during bed time. Two months later, I felt some changes over my physical body. My body began to refresh daily with strength and with least tiredness. The tinnitus problem began to improve unknowingly. After using the anion product for more than 3 years, my tinnitus has also disappeared. What a great joy to me! It could never be better to enjoy the healthy lifestyle nowadays. Here comes my daughter’s testimony:-Due to the pressure of studying before her SPM (or O Level) examination, her menstrual period turned into abnormal condition. She began to lose weight and also hair loss. I took her to see doctors, both at Chinese Medical Center, as well as Western Clinic, but nothing really helped to improve her condition. As a mother, I was very worried. I invested a complete set of Nefful anion products for her. My daughter was very obedient and used it diligently every day. After more than 3 months, her menstrual period really improved and now she is back to normal. She looked more energetic and relax after which. She also got very good grades (9As) in her examination. I am very grateful. I want to share with more people about the good news and benefits of anion products. Bring health to my family and spread love to others! 改善了 心情 精神 生理 我名叫林丽月, 来自吉打州。 我是一名家庭主妇。白天在家帮忙老公做些小生意。因为生活忙碌照顾家庭又要做生意 身体也出了状况。整个人容易彼倦再加上多年来有耳呜的问题。虽然我都有服用保健品习惯, 不过每天感觉还是非常彼倦。每当耳鸣发作时, 使我心里很烦, 牌气暴躁。 经过我小姑的介绍知道了负离子产品。它是用穿的, 觉得很安全。可以试试看。 一开始呢我就买了床单, 被蓋再加強带毛帽。果然两个月后, 感觉精神方面变好了。整个人也比较有力气。耳鸣问题改善了。至今产品用了3年多, 耳鸣也全愈了。生活品质也变得更好了。 以下是我女儿的见证:-因为读书压力, 导致她的月经期不正常。人也一直消瘦又掉发。我也带她去看医生, 中医, 西医, 但都没有改善。身为母亲的我,非常担心。我就投资一个大全套给她用。女儿很听话, 天天勤劳的穿,在3个多月后她的生理期果然有很好的改善。整个人精神也轻松了很多。在她的会考也考到非常好的成绩( 9个A) 我很感恩。 我想把这好消息告诉更多人知道。把健康带回家把爱传出去!
Enjoying The Natural Cares
Hello everyone, I’m Wendy. For years, I struggled with problems in my neck. I tried all sorts of treatments, from Western medicine to Chinese therapies like massages and acupuncture. But nothing seemed to work for long. Sometimes, the pain got so bad that I felt dizzy, nauseous, and even had trouble getting out of bed. I spent a lot of time and money on specialists, chiropractors, and physical therapy, but nothing gave me lasting relief. X-rays showed that my neck was out of place, and I had worn-out cartilage and bone spurs pressing on nerves. Surgery was the fastest option, but it scared me. Then, I remembered “Negative Ion Therapy” and heard about Nefful from a former colleague, EeWen. She sent me a neck guard, and wearing it every day brought me incredible comfort. So, I decided to try Nefful’s products, made of special fabrics that release negative ions. It’s been almost a year, and I haven’t needed to see a doctor since. Even better, I haven’t spent any of my company’s medical allowance since August 2021. I’m convinced that negative ion therapy works. Nefful’s products are safe to wear and don’t have any side effects. They help our bodies heal naturally. I wear them every day and enjoy a healthier, happier life. I feel lucky and grateful. I highly recommend giving them a try. It’s been a game-changer for me! AfterBefore 享受着负离子的呵护 大家好!我是Wendy,在使用妮芙露产品之前,颈椎问题困扰了我好多好多年。我时不时就光顾西医药房拿些松筋止痛药;也常常报到中医诊所做一系列的按摩,推拿,艾灸,针灸,拔罐,刮痧,照灯,吃中药,完成全套疗程以舒缓我的颈椎疼痛和僵硬所带来的不适。严重的时候甚至会头晕,呕吐,没有食欲,就连起床都是问题。 那么多年的治疗调理还是反反复复的,反而需要越去越频密?!后来我又去尝试看专科检查身体,还做了脊椎矫正和物理治疗等等。这些费用都很高,治疗时间也很长却又不包好。安排照了X光后发现颈椎不只移位,软骨磨损还长了骨刺压迫神经。治疗师和医生都说最快也是最坏的打算就是动手术。不过我和医生选择先让我吃药观察,可是药物的副作用反而让我感觉更不舒服,尤其是药物导致的精神不振。 就在自己已经不知所措又求医无门的时候,我突然想起了《负离子疗法》,刚好机缘巧合下得知我的前同事~依雯区总正在经营妮芙露事业。她在了解了我的情况后送来护颈,我很配合的天天戴着戴着竟真的不知不觉戴出了前所未有的轻松感。所以我便下定决心把大全套带回家. 直到今天已经穿戴了近1年左右我奇迹般的没再见过医生和医师,我自己也很惊喜!连我的经理都好奇的问总是年年都把公司的医药津贴用尽的我, 今年2021已经是8月份了我竟然1毛钱都还没用到。因为自己的亲身体验,所以我深信负离子疗法。重点是《妮芙露》负离子产品不用吃不用喝不用涂;纯粹是一种天然物质的高科技负离子纤维衣物穿戴产品;属于自然疗法能给予修护与自愈能力,而且其负离子物质还是永久性有效存在。现在我仍坚持每天把负离子穿戴在身上,持续天天享受着感受负离子带给我的健康呵护与正常美好的生活!由此我觉得我很幸运。真心的感恩!真诚的推介!真的太棒了!
My Health Is Wealth
I want to express my gratitude to Nefful for creating an amazing high-tech fiber. This fiber not only helps people regain their health but also provides an opportunity for those without expertise to build wealth. I first learned about this product through a fellow homeowner, Eeven AGM, when I had just returned to work in Singapore after my pregnancy. During my seventh month, I developed hormonal imbalances that caused severe itching and disrupted my sleep. Despite trying both Chinese and Western medicine, the symptoms persisted, and I was left with scars from constant scratching. It wasn’t until I started using Nefful’s Neoron Fiber that I noticed a positive change. The itching reduced, scars faded, and my sleep improved. This experience convinced me of the real health benefits of this negative ion fiber. I shared my discovery with family, relatives, and friends, introducing them to the product and its positive effects. I’m thankful for the relief it brought to my life and the well-being it has brought to others. 健康就是财富 首先,我要感恩Nefful公司生产出这么棒的高科技纤维,不但帮助了很多人找回健康,也可以帮助没有背景的人创造财富。 我是怎么接触到这个产品的呢?当时的我是透过之前屋主的同乡依雯区总才有机会接触到这个产品。那时的我是刚刚坐完月子回来新加坡上班,而我的情况是在怀孕的第七个月就被诊断荷尔蒙失调导致皮肤起红疹,极痒无比,每一天都无法好好的睡觉,因为痒到我无法忍受的一直要去抓导致身上留下很多疤印。我也尝识用中西医药方,但治标不治本,疼痒都还会回来。 直到我用了nefful负离子纤维后,我皮肤的痒才得以改善,疤印也渐渐的淡化,而且也帮到我的睡眠品质。从此,让我相信这个负离子纤维真的能帮助人找回健康,当然我也介绍给我身边的家人和亲戚朋友们一起来使用。谢谢..感恩
Magical Anions
I am a pharmacist, currently working in a hospital. I remembered that whenever the flu season started, when patients and colleague around me were coughing or sneezing away, sooner or later it would be my turn. (I would also get the bugs!) My cough would be very severe chesty cough, with thick greenish phlegm. My throat would get very itchy and made me cough so badly until my intercostal muscle strain, and it would be very painful each time when I cough. For the treatment, I would usually need to take 2 types of very strong. Antibiotics, like Augmentin and Clarithromycin for at least two weeks, before I could fully recover! !! I remember there were once that I cough so badly that my left upper chest was so painful, never before at this position and the doctor did an ECG and discovered to have ST elevation, suspicious of some heart problem. This cough issues has troubled me for past 19 years !!!! I remembered the very first time when I attended the NEFFUL home par sharing in Singapore, organized by Wai Quen and Siang Yan couple, and Kooi Li NET and Wai Seng AGM, who came all the way from Penang to Singapore, to do home-par sharing.At that time, I happened to have my cough again! During their sharing, I need to keep on drinking luke warm water to ease the itch in my throat. And also took some cough lozenges to help me along. BUT all these doesn’t help at all, and I need to rush to the washroom every half an hour to cough out my thick greenish phlegm. After repeating this for two to three times, they let me wear a neck warmer, inner clothing, and also a waist support Then something magical happen!!!! In less than 15 minutes, my cough was reduced from 100% to 20%. Really unbelievable!!!! This made me realize the product is very special!! Which is better than my usual cough medicine, and there isn’t any side effects at all!What a great treasure and discovery!!!!Immediately after their sharing, I decided to invest 6 complete set, to let my family to start using Nefful products to maintain our health! As I believe only when we are healthy then can we enjoy our wealth and our live! Since September 2019, for the past 1 year 10 months, we have been using the complete set of Nefful products, Everyday, 24 hourly, Such as the blankets, bed sheets, inner clothing, underwear, and the four key supporter and many other products. And I noticed that my sleep quality has improved significantly, because 6 years ago, I have been relying on my massage chairs, to massage me till I fall asleep on the massage chair, I would on massage chair till the next day. Ever since started using NEFFUL complete set, I do not rely on my massage chair anymore. With the Nefful blanket, bedsheet and pyjamas, I am able to sleep very well on the bed every night, my sleep quality and quantity improved significantly and my dark eye bags has also become lighter nowadays. I also felt more energetic and alert and become more productive throughout the day! At the same time, I realize that I do not have any cough in the last 1 years 10 months, ever since using Nefful products. Likewise for my family members. We are Very grateful To Nefful for bringing health to our family!All these wonderful experience has greatly enhanced my knowledge and confidence in the Nefful products. We are able to get so many benefits and improvement in health, it is like striking lottery, with many high value returns. With better health, we can fulfill more goals and dreams in life too! The value of good health is really priceless! Do try out this fantastic products ! I will end my sharing here! Thank you very much for listening!