Improved Conditions

My name is Lim Lay Guat and I am from Kedah. I am a housewife, and helping my husband do some small retail businesses at home during the day. Because of my busy lifestyle, taking care of my family and doing business, my health condition began to surface. I easily got tired,
coupled with the problem of tinnitus for many years. Although I had a habit of taking supplements which I thought could bring me some improvement, I still felt the tiredness. Whenever my tinnitus came uncontrollably, it made my heart very upset and irritable.

After my sister-in-law’s recommendation of the benefits of negative ions, I learned about Nefful anion products. Simply by wearing or using these anion products and having no side effect, I felt very safe.  I gave it a try.  At the beginning, I bought a bed sheet, and with an anion fiber made hood.  I covered myself in the bed sheet and wearing the anion hood daily during bed time.  Two months later, I felt some changes over my physical body. My body began to refresh daily with strength and with least tiredness.  The tinnitus problem began to improve unknowingly.  After using the anion product for more than 3 years, my tinnitus has also disappeared.  What a great joy to me!  It could never be better to enjoy the healthy lifestyle nowadays.

Here comes my daughter’s testimony:-
Due to the pressure of studying before her SPM (or O Level) examination, her menstrual period turned into abnormal condition. She began to lose weight and also hair loss. I took her to see doctors, both at Chinese Medical Center, as well as Western Clinic, but nothing really helped to improve her condition. As a mother, I was very worried. I invested a complete set of Nefful anion products for her. My daughter was very obedient and used it diligently every day. After more than 3 months, her menstrual period really improved and now she is back to normal. She looked more energetic and relax after which. She also got very good grades (9As) in her examination. I am very grateful.

I want to share with more people about the good news and benefits of anion products. Bring health to my family and spread love to others!

改善了 心情 精神 生理

我名叫林丽月, 来自吉打州。 我是一名家庭主妇。白天在家帮忙老公做些小生意。因为生活忙碌照顾家庭又要做生意 身体也出了状况。整个人容易彼倦再加上多年来有耳呜的问题。虽然我都有服用保健品习惯, 不过每天感觉还是非常彼倦。每当耳鸣发作时, 使我心里很烦, 牌气暴躁。

经过我小姑的介绍知道了负离子产品。它是用穿的, 觉得很安全。可以试试看。 一开始呢我就买了床单, 被蓋再加強带毛帽。果然两个月后, 感觉精神方面变好了。整个人也比较有力气。耳鸣问题改善了。至今产品用了3年多, 耳鸣也全愈了。生活品质也变得更好了。

因为读书压力, 导致她的月经期不正常。人也一直消瘦又掉发。我也带她去看医生, 中医, 西医, 但都没有改善。身为母亲的我,非常担心。我就投资一个大全套给她用。女儿很听话, 天天勤劳的穿,在3个多月后她的生理期果然有很好的改善。整个人精神也轻松了很多。在她的会考也考到非常好的成绩( 9个A) 我很感恩。


Lay Guat Lim

Writer & Blogger